By Don Jacobson
The very strange death of 62-year-old former ABBA drummer Ola Brunkert from a fatal run-in with a pane of glass has to rank right up there with some of the best of a truly head-shakingly strange roster of accidental rock ‘n’ roll demises. Not to diminish the human tragedy of Brunkert’s passing, but let’s face it, karma seems to have a big score to settle with rock musicians. Of course, sound judgment clouded by all sorts of high-living hijinks might have something to do with it, I’ll grant you that. But that alone just cannot explain the sheer volume of weird.
The usually execrable British tabloid The Mirror has taken something of a break from its depressingly yobbish wall-to-wall coverage of Sir Paul’s divorce battle with Heather to provide what seems to be a surprisingly good and accurate top 10 list of the weirdest accidental rock ‘n’ roll deaths of all time. Some, of course, are obvious: It’s The Mirror, when all is said and done. But others, however, I either hadn’t heard of or hadn’t remembered in quite awhile. So a tip of the undertaker’s akubra to The Mirror for providing this melange of misadventure.
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Posted on March 18, 2008