By Steve Rhodes
A (mostly) weekly look at the magazines laying around Beachwood HQ.
That’s Mitt!
Ryan Lizza’s profile of Mitt Romney in the latest New Yorker examines the management consulting theories that inform his approach to governing. It’s a lot more interesting than that sounds.
Agent of Fortune
In the same issue, Ben McGrath profiles superagent and scourge of baseball Scott Boras, in a piece called “The Extortionist.”
Boras has a couple Chicago connections. First, he was actually in the Chicago Cubs organization at one point. Second, he joined the Chicago law firm of Rooks, Pitts & Poust after getting his law degree in 1982, focusing on medical malpractice work. Third, Boras represents White Sox third baseman Joe Crede, who spent most of last season on the disabled list. Why is this important? “The White Sox have historically tended to avoid doing business with Scott Boras,” McGrath writes. “[Dennis] Gilbert [a special assistant to Jerry Reinsdorf] also pointed out that Joe Crede, a a Boras client on Chicago’s roster, spent most of this season on the disabled list.”
Posted on October 31, 2007