By The Beachwood Magazine Affairs Desk
A weekly review of what’s on Shipley’s nightstand.
Worst Best Poll Ever
The reader’s poll results are in, according to the new issue of Spin. Best Band? Panic! At the Disco. Worst band? Panic! At the Disco. Best Album? The Black Parade, by My Chemical Romance. Worst album? The Black Parade, by My Chemical Romance. Best Internet phenomenpn? YouTube and MySpace. Worst Internet phenomenon? MySpace and YouTube. Best reader’s survey ever done? Not this one. Worst reader’s survey ever done? This one.
Forest Grump
According to the March issue of Utne Reader, mass urban tree plantings may not only beautify cities but also save them money. According to the Center for Urban Forest Research, each dollar spent on a tree in Los Angeles recoups benefits worth $2.80. Further, there are various studies going on in the Los Angeles at the Center for Urban Forest Whittaker Research on how much return-on-investment he will yield now that he’s won an Oscar.
Posted on February 27, 2007