By Tim Willette
Chicago Sun-Times religion reporter and columnist Cathleen Falsani recently published The God Factor, a collection of interviews with an array of national political, artistic, and cultural figures about their spiritual lives. Among the revelations:
Barack Obama: “Is not shy saying he has ‘a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.'” Also sometimes feels the power of the Holy Spirit when he is speaking.
Mancow Muller: “Am I saved? Yes. Yes.”
Billy Corgan: Perceives everything he does including (his word) “fucking” in spiritual terms.
Dusty Baker: “The dark side has some real power, especially in the world today. Evil’s more accepted and more prevalent.” Actually believes that the mythical Cubs curse derives from the dark side. Says he’s been “delivered” a “bunch of times” and has witnessed an exorcism.
Carlos Zambrano: “Any man who believes in God is a good man.”
Harold Ramis: “Yes, we’re alone in the universe, life is meaningless and death is inevitable, but is that necessarily so depressing?”
All very interesting – and indeed, frightening. But we would have appreciated more commentary reflecting historic Chicago values like doubt, pessimism, and a healthy aversion to bullshit. As a post-script, we’ve provided a short selection from other locals who are not in Falsani’s book, in some cases because they are dead and keeping their experiences in the afterlife to themselves. Remember, if God says He loves you, check it out.
Posted on April 20, 2006